Brokers That Work With New Authority


All first-time truckers or carriers need brokers that work with new authority. Otherwise, how are trucking professionals supposed to make money? This article explores the basics of finding those brokers. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact our organization. We’re ready to help you discover simple ways to make a great living in trucking.

Finding a Broker That Works With New Authority

Say that you're a new trucking professional who’s prepared to run loads for brokers. Here's one of the first things that you and your carrier can do. It is to fill out a carrier packet. A packet will feature a simple, easy-to-read profile of your trucking carrier. Plus, a packet can also have a broker-carrier agreement. Many packets also include an insurance certificate for a carrier. Some brokers also have to show their own insurance certificates. The packet that you create must also include a W-9 form. Plus, you'll need a copy of your operating authority registration. Some brokers only use one platform for carrier onboarding. For example, DAT Onboard often gets used in this situation. With a platform like this, a user can fill out information at one time. Then, the user will not need to fill out information again. Are you starting out in the trucking industry as of now? If so, fill out as many carrier packets as you can. Once you get onboarded, you'll receive details about upcoming trips. You must then pick up freight within a specific time frame. The key is for you and your carrier to act fast but also avoid making mistakes. Let’s now go over some popular brokers. These brokers sometimes express interest in working with new carriers. They include JB Hunt 360, Amazon Relay, Uber Freight, and Convoy. Speaking of Amazon Relay, please check out our Amazon Relay webpage. The page features information to help you get registered to work for Amazon. Also, many new drivers start out with Knight

Transportation. But that can only happen once your authority isn’t six months old. Then, Knight will ask your carrier to give them a list of references. Say that these brokers do not work out for you. Also consider KCH Transportation, RGL, TQL, and Online Freight. You will then have the ability to maintain complete motor carrier authority or broker.

Is It Hard To Get Loads With New Authority?

It’s always a challenge for a first-time trucker to secure consistent loads. But you cannot give up. There are brokers out there who will help you find loads or backhauls. The key is to stay persistent and aggressive. Sometimes it takes months to find consistent work. The more loads you deliver, the more opportunities you'll have in the future.

How To Operate When Working for Brokers

Keep this information in mind as you start operating on behalf of brokers. As a result, you can prevent potential problems from taking place. Plus, your carrier can avoid getting into trouble. First things first, do not pretend you're a seasoned trucker. You're not. Brokers can tell who has experience and who doesn’t. Instead, apply honesty when communicating with brokers. Each broker will appreciate that you're not wasting his or her time. Say that you begin to deliver many loads on behalf of a broker. Ask that broker if you can use him or her as a reference.

Remember, you have the authority to ask brokers questions. It’s always better to ask lots of questions so that you and brokers stay on the same page. Make sure that you appear professional with easy-to-read paperwork. Also, always complete your paperwork right away. Never delay it. This concept even applies to arriving on-time for every pick-up and delivery. You could even try to arrive fifteen to thirty minutes early.

How Does a Freight Broker Discover New Carriers?

Brokers have options when it comes to finding new carriers. Tons of brokers will use load boards to find carriers. In fact, you can also use load boards to find new brokers. It’s a win-win situation. A broker can also use his or her online freight matching tools. Plus, some brokers depend on physical or online carrier directories. You can browse the information related to these trucking authority packages. Other brokers search through FMCSA data or use referral networks. As you can see, brokers have many options when it comes to locating carriers.

Is Double-Brokering Illegal in the United States?

Yes, double-brokering is the last thing anyone in the trucking industry should do. So, what does double-brokering mean? It’s when a carrier starts off by accepting a freight job for hauling. But then that carrier re-brokers the freight via another carrier. This is an FMCSA violation. (FMCSA refers to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.) A carrier can receive severe penalties and fines if this happens. Check out Driver Qualification Files.

What Happens if You Get Caught Double-Brokering?

Say that your carrier gets caught double-brokering. The carrier will experience what’s known as a “reputation risk.” This is where your carrier could receive blacklisting from other parties. These include brokers, shippers, and separate carriers. Plus, your authority with the FMCSA could get cancelled. So, do not turn the entire US trucking industry against you by double-brokering.

Freight Broker Basics

Are you frustrated or confused about a certain FMCSA authority policy or Driver Qualification Files? Let us know. Anyone with new authority needs a solid freight broker. Having one can help you discover new loads. With a broker, you'll have peace of mind. Why? Because you can get connected with quality shippers across the US. You can depend on a broker to negotiate rates for hauling loads. But that's not all a broker can do. He or she can also give you advice about which routes to take. This way, you can cut down on gas mileage and save time.

The key is for you to discover a broker that has a lot of experience. Sure, a broker must have proper licensing. But that's not all. Every broker must also get bonded and have ideal insurance coverage. Say that you're considering signing with a broker. Before you do, good online to look at the reviews about the broker.

Then, if you trust the broker, you can begin developing a relationship. Remember, you never have to accept every single opportunity from a broker. Only accept what makes the most sense for you and your carrier. You need to find a better insurance or freight broker.

You can start forming relationships with shippers once you have authority. Then, shippers will provide referrals, reviews, and much more. You could even begin cold calling local shippers in your area. You never know when a shipper might need the services of a nearby truck driver. But once again, focus on building strong relationships. You can't afford for local shippers to dislike you or your carrier.

Using Load Boards

Let’s say you're struggling to find brokers that will work with your new level of authority. Do not panic. Instead, try using load boards. Load boards exist both on websites and as mobile apps for Android or iPhone. A board serves as an excellent venue for shippers and truck drivers alike.A load tender agreement should also feature the party’s contact information. Through a board posting, two parties will arrange for goods to get shopped. Plus, you can even discover new brokers on load boards. Every load board allows a trucker to filter his or her search results. For example, you can search for loads by a specific weight or route to drive. You can contact our company if you need help accessing high-quality load boards. Also, so that any carrier can have informed negotiations for new contracts.

With Authority, Can I Move Loads as a Government Contractor?

Yes. Many trucking professionals with authority decide to work as government contractors. After all, the US government needs trucking services all across the country. From the federal level to the state or local level. The key is to pursue registration as a government contractor. You can find more information online about this issue. But keep in mind that you'll need to secure some specific types of authority.

Download a Free Broker List

It’s always a challenge for truckers with new authority to find consistent loads. But you're not in this alone. Our organization’s here to help you out. We can provide you with a free broker list for you to download. This way, you can speed up the process of looking for a broker. After all, many brokers will not work with someone who just received authority. Or, a broker will want to wait 30, 60, or 90 days before providing loads. Some brokers even decide to wait six months to a year or longer! Well, you cannot afford to sit back and wait that long. It’s time to
take action through our free broker list download.

Our organization’s standing by to prepare a customized list of brokers for you. Then, we can email you that list at any time so you can download it. This way, you can discover local brokers with first-rate opportunities. Before you know it, you can put your authority to use and make money. We can even update the list as new brokers arrive in your area. To get started, please give us a call today.

Contact Us: Find Out More About Brokers Working With New Authority Feel free to give our third-party company a phone call at any moment. We’re prepared to put you on the fast-track toward discovering new brokers. This way, you'll have a network of people who can help you make good money. Our experts cannot wait to ensure that you have trucking authority. Then, they’ll go the extra mile to help you connect with all sorts of brokers. Give us a call to know more.

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